Pria Cerato
Griffith, Wiradjuri Country

Working with The Country Education Foundation
5 years supporting rural students to thrive at Macquarie University 

The Country Education Foundation (CEF) supports rural and regional young people to maintain their wellbeing and fulfil their personal potential, and to contribute and give back to their home communities as well as the broader society. Dunmore Lang College has been partnering with CEF for five years to provide financial support for rural students to begin their journey at Macquarie University.

CEF’s core values of Equality, Empowerment, Connection, and Sustainability are an excellent fit with our emphasis on enabling equal access and equity to enable students to thrive by building a strong and supportive community has enabled this successful partnership to flourish for almost five years.

Hear below from Pria and how this scholarship has been a game changer for her and how it has eased her transition into her law degree.

" Since starting high school, it was always a goal of mine to move away from home to study law at Macquarie University.

I worked hard at my studies throughout high school and my dream of studying law became a reality when I received my offer from Macquarie University.  

Whilst I was extremely excited, the practicality of relocating from the regional town of Griffith which is over 600 kilometres from Sydney became a concern, especially in terms of how I would support myself financially and continue to succeed academically.  Being selected for the Dunmore Lang College / Country Education Foundation Scholarship put these fears at ease, relieving significant financial pressure for myself and my family. 

Dunmore Lang College and the Country Education Foundation are the perfect partnership - they both understand the inherent challenges regional students face when pursuing tertiary education. 

Choosing Dunmore Lang College as my new home was easy.  The supportive environment, welcoming community and awesome opportunities have made moving away from home and transitioning into university life almost seamless.

This scholarship has facilitated my commitment to invest in my future law career and make the most out of my university experience. I feel privileged to be this year's recipient and thank both the College and the Country Education Foundation for their generosity. "